Day 32 of kitchen building…

17 Aug

On the 17th of July, two bright-eyed , bushy-tailed shiny little souls started building a kitchen.

Like all adventurers setting off on a voyage of discovery, they were nervous but hopeful.

Little did they realise that a month from that fateful date they still wouldn’t be finished. This is their story…

Ok, so that’s a tad dramatic… but a month! It’s been a month already? Oh bugger!

I guess we’ve made lots of progress for people who’ve been fitting this in around work, a holiday, more work, getting another flat ready for selling and whatever else we’e been up.

First of all, we’ve made and put up all the cabinets. We’ve installed (with a bit of help from an electrician friend) the oven and induction hob. We have lights were there were none before. There’s new plugs, a new extractor fan, a new fridge and a new freezer. And a heck of a lot of dust!

(This is our new oven… I like how he looks like he’s smiling. But I like that he cooks our food even more!)

BUT… the worktop isn’t arriving until the middle of September so we can’t put the flooring down until after then. Bummer.

And we’ve had to enlist help building our kitchen island. We were pretty confident we could build this ourselves… until we realised that as a kitchen island is a non-standard thing, you don’t get any instructions for it. At all. Ikea just give you some huge lengths of end panels and that’s it. Try as we might we’ve not been able to make sense of how those end panels are meant to translate into an island. So we’ve got a joiner round to quote for it but he can’t do the work until 2 weeks from now. Drat.

There’s also a 30cm wide space on one side that we can’t decide what to do with. Ikea don’t have a wall cabinet in that size with our door. We had thought of getting a corner type shelf thing but went off the idea.

So any suggestions for what to do with the space would be gratefully received. I’ve been thinking of using it for something statementy but I’ve no idea what yet.

Other things we haven’t decided what to do with yet include our Superman splashback that we had for the sink… He’s about 120cm wide but the wall space on the sink side is now 210cm so he doesn’t quite work anymore ā€“ but we’ve got used to him moodily staring at our dirty dishes so if we can figure out a way to keep him, we will.

However there have been some rather joyful discoveries of having a proper kitchen (or at least proper kitchen cabinets) for the first time in nearly 2 years… I now have a little drawer just for my tea!

Yes, it’s a bit indulgent but by god I do love my tea! It’s also been great to put all our things on shelves again. Strange how something so simple can feel like such a huge step! The heart mugs are ones the OH made me as a present back in 2004, while the happy rainbow cup was one I found for him in a charity shop. (Yes, his real name isn’t actually OH!)

It’s also been so nice to rediscover some things that have been packed away for aaaaaaaaages… like my babycham glasses. (Can you tell I have a habit of collecting things?)

Of course our diy hasn’t been limited to just the kitchen (because we’re crazy like that)… we also put up our Mini Moderns wallpaper in the hall.

It’s now one of the first things you see when you come into our flat… and it just makes me feel ridiculously happy. (Badgers to do that to me for some reason!)

However two members of our household have not been such fans of the month-long diy-athon…

Grey ninja suit cat has been giving us this look a lot… we translate this as I command you to stop drilling, hammering, painting etc and pay attention to me!

While our owl-fox cat ā€“ who has a more nervous disposition (she freaks out and hides when anyone rings the doorbell) ā€“ has taken to her bed.

Wait, did I say her bed? I meant, our bed. (Why do cats act like they own everything and somehow convince you that they do too?)

We expect a full recovery from her sometime mid-September… around the same time we think we’ll have a finished kitchen.

If it’s not finished by then, I may take to my bed too!

27 Responses to “Day 32 of kitchen building…”

  1. Rachel Dale 17/08/2010 at 11:13 PM #

    What about small glass shelves and/or racks for cute tea towels for your empty space?

  2. Tina @ Scatterbox 18/08/2010 at 6:37 AM #

    that wallpaper = most excellent

  3. Lucy A 18/08/2010 at 7:15 AM #

    I know it’s going to look fab when it’s done.

    I love the expressions on your cats’ faces. Brilliant. My OH pulls the ‘I’m going to my bed now until you stop making that noise’ trick whenever I get the hoover out!

  4. Tonia 18/08/2010 at 7:30 AM #

    Cats manage to do that because they never ever have one single fraction of a second flicker of self-doubt – can you tell I have an extremely self-assured cat too!

  5. evie 18/08/2010 at 7:44 AM #

    with wallpaper like that i think you have the best kitchen around – finished or not! x
    cute kitty pics : )

  6. Caroline, No. 18/08/2010 at 9:36 AM #

    Good luck! I love the arsey ninja cat! x

  7. Bells 18/08/2010 at 10:10 AM #

    LOVE that wallpaper and the babycham glasses and the splash back and and and … your kitchen will be gorgeous and so worth the trouble.
    I have a corner very similar to that and we found a chalk board which had cubby holes build into it where we put mail, keys, pens etc. I can’t find a similar one online but it might be quite simple to build or make a pin board version. Just an idea.

  8. Alice at Simply The Nest 18/08/2010 at 10:59 AM #

    LOVING your work so far. My husband and I also DIY’d our Ikea kitchen from scratch, and lived exclusively on shepherd’s pie during the two month process (cos this was the only thing I got round to freezing before we got started).

    Re the gap – we had the same problem, so we bought the right size cabinet and the closest size door, removed the trim from the door edge, cut the door down to size, and glued the trim back in place. Dead easy. Depends on what kind of doors you’ve chosen though as to whether this would work (ours were the flat scarlet gloss ones, so there were no patterns or embossing etc).

    PS I have a drawer just for herbs and spices, which gives me an inordinate amount of pleasure.

  9. Jess 18/08/2010 at 12:51 PM #

    Well I think you are doing very well! We are getting a new kitchen when we move into our first ever house and we are getting my friend to put it in so I am v impressed you are doing it yourself! As for the gap – what about a wine rack? And you can put bottles of Babycham in it – I love those glasses!

  10. Red boots 18/08/2010 at 4:51 PM #

    Oh my, I actually died when I saw your tea drawer? I have a tea rack (I have equal enthusiasm for tea), but a tea drawer! This is going on my list of must haves when we get round to doing the kitchen!

    Not sure what could go in the gap. A joiner might be able to make you some shelves or a wine rack to match your cabinets?

    Ps: sad I can’t make the meet up. I’ll definitely be there for the next one! Have fun and say hello to everyone for me!

  11. Lynne, Tea for Joy 18/08/2010 at 5:14 PM #

    I was thinking of a wine rack too…

  12. Elizabeth 18/08/2010 at 6:44 PM #

    I really enjoyed this progress report…it makes me very excited to see the finished product. Good luck!

  13. Lisa-Marie 18/08/2010 at 9:07 PM #

    You are doing well I think. I love that wall paper, and HURRAH! for the tea drawer. I have half a shelf for mine, which is not bad!

    The only thing I can think of for there is either box shelves with some of your bits in, or a big display of plates hung up.

  14. Polly 18/08/2010 at 10:16 PM #

    Wow your tea drawer is immense! Poor you, I’m sorry things are taking so long. But it will all be worth it! I can’t wait to see the finished results! xx

  15. chocolatecreativestyle 18/08/2010 at 10:21 PM #

    haha, love the way you write, my cat does exactly the same right now he is sleeping by my side, so i can’t hardly move my arm to type, but can get myself to move him away, he looks so cosy…the kind of the house!!

  16. Gaynor 18/08/2010 at 10:29 PM #

    I love that wallpaper!

    Im not such a tea fan although we did bring some yummy stuff back from the tea plantations we visited in Sri Lanka.

    I think yous have done loads too!

  17. Becky 19/08/2010 at 9:14 AM #

    Can you keep the Superman spashback by adding a border of small coloured tiles maybe…not sure that will work measurement wise but just a thought. Love the wallpaper, the Babycham glasses and the tea drawer. Keep at it, can’t wait to see the finished thing!

  18. PinkBow 20/08/2010 at 6:47 PM #

    i love your tea drawer! i am a tea addict too…any good suggestions?

  19. Sarah 20/08/2010 at 7:42 PM #

    Predictably, I also like the idea of a wine rack! I absolutely LOVE your wallpaper – and the jelly wallpaper hasn’t left my mind since I saw your earlier post. Me and my OH are just beginning the buying-a-flat journey and your place is such an inspiration x

  20. kerry 20/08/2010 at 10:23 PM #

    He he…I like your smiley oven…and of course I love your new wallpaper….and everything else. It’s looking great so far. As for the gap, I’d go for some sort of open shelf/cubby hole type thing…maybe for cook books or something?? Looking forward to seeing the finished kitchen. Well done you two! x

  21. Katie Anderson 22/08/2010 at 8:45 PM #

    I’m seriously jealous of your tea drawer!

  22. Helena - A Diary of Lovely 22/08/2010 at 10:44 PM #

    Its looking great and the wallpaper is a great choice!

  23. Cass 24/08/2010 at 7:00 PM #

    What a fantastic set of kitchen ideas- I wouldn’t know where to start! Do love your wall paper

  24. julia - rockthathorse 27/08/2010 at 1:47 PM #

    Aaaaaah, love that wallpaper – it is incredible! You’ve got a nice blog! Thanks for commenting on mine šŸ™‚

  25. cravenmaven 30/08/2010 at 3:06 PM #

    That is a MIGHTY impressive clipper tea collection. MIGHTY.

  26. keith 14/09/2010 at 5:17 PM #

    Hey our Pet Sounds wallpaper looks fab in your hall – I’m glad it makes you so happy…
    keith at mini moderns


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