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China on your wrist?

21 Jul

How pretty are these bracelets by StayGoldMaryRose? Each one is made from a vintage china cup.

I can’t quite make up my mind about how easy these would be to wear… I would worry about clanking them off my desk and breaking them. (I’m such a delicate girl!) There’s also part of me that feels sort of sad for the cups – which is exactly how I felt when I saw this teacup light pendant – but at the same time I think it’s a great upcycling idea.

What do you think? Would you wear them?

P.S. No Weddingnesday post this week as I can’t think about wedding stuff until we’ve finished the kitchen! (Hopefully this weekend, we’ll get it nearer to being finished… at the moment, we’re still on the plastering the walls stage but once that’s all done we can put the cabinets in properly. Yay!)

Closet clearout… dresses for sale

4 Jul

I’m having a long overdue clear-out of clothes that I don’t wear or that don’t fit anymore. (I need to make room for the vintage wedding dresses I’ve been acquiring!) I’ve been meaning to do it for ages but I get sentimental about clothes regardless of whether they work for me!

There’s 9 things for sale at the moment – but if I get time I’ll add more this week. Anyway, if you fancy a yellow polka dot 1950s dress, 70s wedding dress or even a cape, then have a look at my listings here… (Try not to laugh at my serious ‘how on earth am I meant to stand?’ expression!)

The seriousness got less serious when the cats decided they wanted to get in the pictures too… Bet this doesn’t happen to Kate Moss!

Would you rather…

25 Jan

A little question for a Monday morning. Would you rather have a mini harmonica necklace or a mini whistle necklace?

I’m undecided. I know for a fact that I can’t play a harmonica but when it’s this tiny does that matter? Hmmm…

1. SeaUnicorn 2. MothHouse

How to make a wolf suit… on the sly!

12 Jan

So finally as promised, here is the making of the world’s most awesome Xmas present… as told to me by my little sis and OH. (They are so sneaky!!)

Step 1:
Source furry material for the main suit, yellow fleece for the crown – plus some buttons and velcro.

This may involve the following conversation in a fabric shop:

“How much fabric would I need to make a wolf suit?”

“To make a wool suits?”

“No, a WOLF suit” *bare teeth, growl & show claws*

“Oh, about 4 metres.”

Step 2:

Wait until your sister/other half (ie me!) is out for the night… and then steal her pjs to make your template with! (This will ensure your wolf suit fits.)

You’re going to cut two sides out of the fabric – a front (which will look like a gingerbread man without a head!) and a back (which will look like a gingerbread man with a head… this head will form your hood eventually).

Step 3:
Put the furry sides of the suit together (so the fur is inside) and lightly stitch the whole thing (apart from the cuffs and hood) to hold in place.

Watch out for cats wanting to sit on it. (Note this will happen a lot.)

You may have to hoover your carpet several times if yours is a stealth suit making mission as the fake fur will go everywhere!

Step 4:
Dust off your sewing machine… and sew like a crazy thing. (Obviously still leaving the ends undone for feet, hands and your head.)

Step 5:
Cut your wolf suit’s tummy open… this is where you’ll put velcro on the inside and buttons on the outside – and will ensure the suit can be put on.

Also why not try on the suit at this point – just to check out how cool it looks already! Ok, so you have no ears but you can use your hands to pretend you have some!

Step 6:
Sorting out your hood… because the back of your suit still sort of resembles a gingerbread man with a head (!) this big square section is what makes up your hood (as the previous pic).

Then “make a separate fur sausage shape to sew to the front of that (hood) for the curve & hemming of the front. If that makes sense!”

Step 7:

“Wolf ears – pointy triangles with two cards inserts each and stuffing. Sew on and pin to hood where they will stand almost upright. This was more than somewhat fidgety when doing it on yourself! Note: If possible get your helpful father to assist with pins… try to make sure he doesn’t repeatedly stab himself in the thumb though.”

Step 8:
Make your tail… “the tail’s gotta be long and heavy so with lots and lots of stuffing”. Then sew it on your suit.

Step 9:
Make yourself a fleece crown. Base this on a Christmas cracker hat… insert plastic tips into the crown points to ensure they stay up.

Step 10:
Give to your sister for her Xmas… expect a lot of wild behaviour to ensue!

P.S. Watch out for this checklist of injuries which may occur during the making of your wolf suit:

– Two pierced father’s thumbs
– 3 broken machine needles
– Two pairs of forever fluffy black tights
– One kitty that thinks I might have attacked her
– Many lost hours trying to figure out the right tension for elasticated fabric

P.P.S. Just in case, you haven’t had enough wolfy suitness. Here’s a vid my Dad shot on Xmas Day… let it be said that I didn’t know I was being filmed, I thought I was just getting my pic taken… and I hadn’t seen what I looked like yet! (Watch for the bit when I discover I have a tail!!)

She wears it well…

7 Sep

Have you seen the blog What Katie Wore? My friend, who’s currently working in Germany, sent me the link and I’m now in love with Katie and her outfits!


What’s more, it’s a whole lot cuter than the usual ‘see what I’m wearing’ blog… Katie told her boyfriend that he wasn’t romantic so he set up the blog to posts pics of what she wears each day and comment on them…


They also have a bet that she has to wear a different outfit every day for a year and designers are now sending her samples. Lucky girl huh?


I was thinking recently that I might start doing a ‘What I Wore This Week’ post so I could share some of my vintage dress finds etc – but my lovely other half hasn’t taken any suitable ‘outfit’ pics of me yet! (That and our camera never seems to be charged and I’m always running out of the door!) So much respect to Katie’s boyfriend for capturing her outfits so beautifully…


5 Aug


Love these ‘Hello’ brooches by Kearnsie. I suspect the first two are more ‘me’ as I do indeed like stuff and like to skim stones (my technique is all wrong according to the other half but it works!)

That said I’m also (obviously) very busy and very important too… Maybe I should get all 4 and wear them all at once (or maybe I just need one that says ‘Hello, I’m slightly deranged!’)

A wishful Monday

3 Aug


One whole week and no blogging… I had hoped to return with tales of bathroom bliss and renovation harmony but we’re not quite there yet. We’re currently a week, a weekend and a day over schedule (mainly due to an AWOL plaster) but fingers crossed all the tradesmen should be done tomorrow. After that me and the other half just have to paint the walls, the new windows and door, do some wallpapering, hang a mirror and a cabinet and then we’ll be done (can you guess what we have planned for this weekend?)

So in lieu of some bathroom pics, how about a few pretty (and random) things from my current Etsy wishlist…

1. Perfect Match Necklace from Yellow Goat
I’ve had my eye on this for ages… it’s just the perfect combo of quirky, sophisticated and a little bit of romance.

2. Yellow Melmine Cup Set from Post Road Vintage
I may have just bought a vintage yellow tea set at the weekend (will take pics once I’ve cleaned them all up) but it doesn’t stop me wanting this one too. You can never have too many cups right? (I know that’s my reasoning on everything…)


3. Bears in Love Under Glass from kgrandey
Bears hugging under a bell jar… what’s not to love?


4. Coat Hangers from Pamola’s Nest
These are so sweet – I’m bookmarking them for a future crafting project (once the renovation is over!)


5. Kitty and Dude Gun and Wing Cups from Velvet Boutique
When I got my first flat, I really wanted to get these gun cups… there’s now a wings version too and you can have them plain or decorated in the patterns below – whatever you prefer. Which is pretty cool it has to be said!


Aside from all that, I also wanted to say thanks for all your lovely supportive comments and emails – you really are the sweetest lot of people I have never met! 😉

Wish tickets from A Little Much

Jewellery for the indecisive

6 Jul


I love this pic – it looks like someone’s just opened up their jewellery box and taken a snap. (How do necklaces manage to get so tangled up just by being in a box?) Anyway these lovely necklaces are from Me and Zena who seem to specialise in jewellery for the indecisive. They have a fab yes/no necklace, a Love-o-meter necklace, and even a love/hate necklace. If only I had one I could decide which one I would like to buy! 😉

A bright idea…

29 Jun


Isn’t this lovely? Delicate old fashioned lightbulbs on a silver cord from Charm School Design. So much prettier than energy saving bulbs would be!

All the fun of the farm

17 Jun


Aren’t these rings from Soop fun? I love the fox and the sheep… but I’m not entirely sure I would wear the pig one! Surely that’s just asking to get teased?

Time for a moustache

15 Jun


It’s been a while since I posted any moustaches (it was getting to be a bit of a scary obsession for a while) so I thought enough time had passed. Not only do I love this little wooden moustache necklace from Funkey Finds – but I also love how it looks in the little green frame. Might be a nice way to display a random necklace you love but never wear?

Hope you’ve all had a good weekend (very strange writing that in advance!) x

Doing the moonwalk

2 Jun

On the 20th of June, myself and a few friends are doing the moonwalk… That’s a marathon nighttime walk in aid of breast cancer charities – and means we have to walk 26 miles from midnight round Edinburgh. (Yup, I believe ekkk is the word I’m looking for!)

Having looked at previous years’ pictures, there’s a lot of people in fancy dress – just as there are a lot of people who do it in just their bra too. I’m not so keen on the bra idea so I was trying to think of dressing up ideas… and my favourite so far is to all go as Michael Jackson! What do you think? Wacko or not? Any other suggestions welcome 🙂


via Lazy Oaf

P.S. If you would like to sponsor us on our (insane) venture, here’s the link below… though I’d rather have costume suggestions 😉

From Sweden with Style

28 May

I stumbled across Johanna Öst’s blog the other week and I was immediately in love with her outfits, her decor and her drawings… Wish I (and my home) looked this stylish on a daily basis!



02_ sz_johanni_TVroom

I’m also so in love with her ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ big toy!

P.S. Make sure you roll over the header on her blog… it’s very cute!

I didn’t say it, my t-shirt did

28 May

Around 2 and a half years ago I used to work in a blokey environment where everyone wore t-shirts, trainers and jeans. And so, to stand out a bit less, I too wore the uniform of t-shirts, trainers and jeans (or baggy trousers if I was going for a bit of variety).

Now this is not to say that I didn’t still love dresses (I actually had a wardrobe full of them) I just always felt a bit conspicuous wearing them at work. At that point discovering Threadless was the saviour of my wardrobe as it meant I got to wear something unusual even if it was just a t-shirt.

My style may have moved on since then but the other day I was sorting through more clothes that have been bagged up since the move and I discovered a stash of my old tees – and it reminded me how fab Threadless is. And being me, their TypeTees have always appealed – in a ‘ooh it’s got words on it and it’s funny kind’ of way – so I thought I share with you my favourites…


But doesn’t the bear look so cute? Don’t you just want to hug him…

Continue reading

Say it like you see it

14 May


Love these Steven Shein necklaces from Lazy Oaf. I do now have an MC Hammer song stuck in my head though… and the second one is perhaps not the most friendly necklace ever but hey you’d get a day of quiet while wearing it! 😉

Friday I’m in love… with 3D

8 May

Last week the other half got us preview tickets to see Coraline. And what can I say, it was a real treat. Kind of like The Nightmare Before Christmas meets Pan’s Labyrinth – with some of the most amazing 3D I’ve ever seen. (I also recently saw Monsters vs Aliens in 3D too, which is very good too but not quite as amazing).

Anyway all this 3Dness reminded me of the Tatty Devine movie mayhem collection they launched last year – so I thought I would share it with you in case you haven’t seen it already. And if you’re stuck for something to see at the movie this weekend you know what my recommendation is 😉



Cute as very cute buttons

7 May

I discovered Glue and Glitter through Tea For Joy a wee while ago and I love her stuff – it really is as cute as very cute buttons. I love the cupcakes ones but I really really love the canary ones – it’s so sweet how the bird is perching on the bit of thread (and there’s yellow ones too!).


She also does lots of fab necklaces, earrings, brooches and bags so take a little look even if you don’t need any buttons. What’s more, she’s currently celebrating her 10th sale on etsy with a great discount – 20% off her jewellery pieces (and 30% off if you buy 2 pieces of jewellery!) I know what I have my eye on!

Friday I’m in love… with necklaces

1 May

So it’s come to this… I have too many necklaces. I have two of the Ikea trees (in yellow of course) laden with pendants, chains and lockets, I have boxes of pretty perspex things stuffed in drawers and random strings of beads tucked away in my dressing table. I’ve now decided (rather reluctantly it must be said) that I should really do a clear-out of things I never wear.

But having too many necklaces doesn’t stop me coveting more. (It’s kind of like shoes… there’s always more to be had.) So despite having more things to wear round my neck than there are days in the year, these are a few of the lovelies I’ve been admiring (and in some cases buying!) on Etsy…

1. Etc Etc Etc necklace from Stylesmith

Bought this vintage pendant a wee while back and I love it. It feels like it’s the antithesis to the ‘name’ necklaces while actually being pretty similar to them at the same time. I also get the song Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps stuck in my mind when I have it on too.


2. NestEgg Necklace from allthosethrees

This is one of those necklaces that I bought to wear to work. I guess for most people this maybe doesn’t look like a ‘work’ necklace but in my line of business I can get away with wearing things a little bit unusual. I quite like this one as it seems quite grown-up in one way and quite childish in another.

It’s also hand crafted in London, and made from “an organic surface (vegan!) layer by layer with 100% recycled fine silver”. The only downside is that the pearl bit is very playable with – so I have a horrible feeling I’m going to break it at some point!


3. ‘Darling You Are Boring Me’ Necklace from Hoolala

Now this necklace from London-based Hoolala is more my usual style – pretty with a wee bit of an edge. I have a similar-ish necklace and the only problem is that people want to try the ring bit on… while you’re still wearing the necklace!


4. Branch Necklace from PetitOiseau

This a necklace I never bought – it sold out last June and I’m still wishing I’d got it. (It is the reason behind the search for the perfect yellow necklace.) I have no idea why I didn’t buy this – just procrastnation I guess. But I wish I had. PetitOiseau does do lots of other lovely necklaces and things “made with the good stuff, like genuine, vintage Bakelite from the 1950s and earlier.” But it was the yellow one that stole my heart. (This is why I end up with too many necklaces – because I’m consumed by regret if they sell out. Odd I know!)


5. Love Letter Necklace from ThisCharmingGirl

Can’t decide which I love more – the necklace or the seller’s name. Think it might be a tie. I’m so about to put on some Smiths once I’ve finished this 😉


6. The Keeper and Mama’s Purse from Opulent Oddities

Opulent Oddities is exactly what you get from Jordan’s shop. I can never quite figure out where I would wear them to – but I love the inventiveness that’s gone into each one (they all have a little backstory she’s created for them) so it’s like a mini museum you’re wearing. According to her Etsy homepage, it says she’s back in hospital at the moment – so best wishes and I hope you get better soon.


A feather in her hair

30 Apr

Oooh, pretty… I’m loving these hairbands from NevaPlume. Can’t decide whether I’m loving the butterflies more or the yellow with the feather (you know how I feel about yellow). Oh to be 5 again and be able to wear this kind of thing every day… or be a show girl I suppose!!


(P.S. How gorgeous is this girl’s hair? So makes me want to be a red head!)

The cutest little vintage shop

28 Apr

I once set my alarm for 2am just so I could bid on a dress from Liebemarlene Vintage. That’s how good her stuff is. Obsessed with 50s dresses, 60s mary janes and Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers films, she has a great eye for the neat and the sweet. What’s more, how adorable does she look modelling them? So makes me want a big fringe even if I know it would never suit me!
